Check Safety Guide

By Banks Never Ask That on 10/21/2024


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The Cost of Check Fraud

Buckle up:

While the use of checks has declined by 25%, reports of check fraud have nearly doubled since 2021.* With criminals becoming more sophisticated, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and protect your financial information.  



Fasten your seatbelt: Follow these steps to stay safe when using checks.


Step 1:

Recognize that checks contain sensitive information 

An unprotected check is a gold mine for criminals. 

  • Your name and contact information can be taken.
  • Account and routing numbers can be stolen. 
  • Blank spaces can leave room for alterations. 
  • Information in the memo line can be too personal. 
  • Your signature can be stolen to forge other documents. 

Step 2:

Understand the mechanics of check theft, washing and forging.

Check Theft:  Criminals frequently raid mailboxes and intercept mail, snatching checks to access and manipulate your personal details. 

Check Washing:  Scammers will use chemicals to “wash” checks, erasing and rewriting details to siphon funds into their accounts. 

Check Forging:  Armed with routing and account numbers, criminals easily create fake checks using modern printers and software. 


Step 3:

Protect your money.

Use your bank’s digital payment options whenever possible. 

If checks are your only option, follow these tips: 

  1. Use permanent gel pens – Protect yourself by using permanent ink when you write a check. 
  2. Avoid blank spaces – Ensure your check leaves no room for criminal alterations by filling out each line completely. 
  3. Withhold personal information – Don’t add personal info like your Social Security number, driver’s license details or phone number to your checks. 
  4. Review accounts – Regularly log on to your online banking platform to quickly identify anything out of the ordinary. 
  5. Check your checks – Analyze your paid checks to ensure the amount is correct and the endorsement reflects the intended payee to guard against unauthorized deposits. 

Step 4:

Practice check safety.

Now sit back, relax, and send check safely! 

For more tips, resources and videos on how to #PracticeSafeChecks, visit








*2024 Findings from the Diary of Consumer Payment Choices, Federal Reserve Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Suspicious Activity Report Statistics.
Copyright © 2024 American Bankers Association


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