Avoid Fees at the ATM With This Helpful Trick

By BankSource on 5/7/2024


If you’re tired of the $3.50 fee (or more!!!) each time you use an ATM, we’ve got news for you!

A lot of people have gone away from relying on cash and made the switch to peer-to-peer payment services like Zelle® for splitting dinner with friends or use their digital wallet for in store purchases.

But it never fails that Food Truck Friday comes along, it’s cash only, you reach in your wallet, only to find receipts and old business cards.

You’re in a rush and need to find an ATM. You absolutely DREAD paying ATM fees, the same way you avoid making online purchases when shipping is $5.00, and curious if there’s anywhere nearby you can withdraw cash for free.

Solution: Fee-Free ATMS

Fee-Free ATMS are surcharge-free which means they don’t charge you a fee for making a cash withdrawal.


You may ask, “Bank, how do I know which ATM won’t charge me a fee to withdraw cash?”

Most community banks are part of networks like AlphaLink Alliance and MoneyPass that come together to provide you with surcharge free ATMs across the country. Wherever you are, you can use these networks to find a fee-free ATM near you.


How to find a fee-free ATM:

  • You can generally find the closest in-network ATM by going to your bank’s ATM locator on their website.
  • From there, click the ATM network option (AlphaLink Alliance, MoneyPass. Etc.) and you’ll be directed to their ATM locator page.
  • Type your desired zip code and a list of fee-free ATM options will appear. These sites will provide you with various details including location name (bank, gas station, grocery store), address, distance from you, hours, and more.

Whether you’re home, in an unfamiliar area, or just need to pay the taco truck, ATM fee-free networks are your solution to avoiding ATM fees.


WATCH: More Info on MoneyPass



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