Loan Payment Options



A young couple smiling and looking at a laptop.

One-Time Loan Payment

Visit our Payment Center to make a convenient, one-time payment from another financial institution. You will need your full BOS loan number and the account number for the checking or savings account you would like to transfer funds from along with the institution’s routing number. (This information is available in the bottom line of a personal check.)

There is a $5.00 service fee per payment. The transaction descriptions on your statements will say Billmatrix. There will be a transaction for the loan payment and a separate transaction for the service fee. Loan payments can be made up to $9,999.99. Payments made after 6:00 PM CST will be posted the next business day.

Make a One-Time Loan Payment

Set Up Recurring Loan Payments

Electronic Payment Types

  • Internal Transfer: Places funds from your BOS Checking or BOS Savings account directly to your BOS loan.
  • External Transfer: Brings funds from another financial institution to pay your BOS loan.
  • ACH Transfer: Automatic monthly payments from an account of your choice, usually set up at closing.

Electronic Payment Setup

Don’t wait to setup your Online Banking account or ACH Transfer! A custom security PIN generated by our Customer Care Center is required to enroll into Online Banking. Due to this security process, we suggest starting enrollment no later than 7 business days before your loan payment is due.

If you need some guidance on how to make a loan payment, a BOS Representative is available to help. 

Contact a BOS Representative
